Friday, April 2, 2010

Name the next WA ferry "Tokitae"

Sponsored by:
Orca Network

The WA Transportation Commission is looking for suggestions for the 2nd new 64-car ferry (for the Keystone-Pt. Townsend run) now under construction (

Orca Network suggests that this ferry be named "Tokitae." ... Tokitae is a Coastal Salish greeting, used all around the Salish Sea, meaning "Nice day, pretty colors." Tokitae was also the name given to the orca captured at Penn Cove, near Keystone, in 1970 who is still alive in Miami at a marine park. Her clan, the Southern Resident Community, was declared endangered under the ESA in 2005. Orcas are the Washington State marine mammal and 2010 is the 4th consecutive year that June has been proclaimed "Orca Awareness Month" by the Governor.

Sign the petition here.
Signature goal: 1,000

Candace Calloway Whiting